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2019 NCTS Summer Course: Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Infectious Diseases
9:00-17:00 Mon.-Fri.
R102, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU

Hiroshi Nishiura (Hokkaido University)
Joseph T Wu (University of Hong Kong)
Don Klinkenberg (The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM))
Naveen K. Vaidya (San Diego State University)
Shih-Tse Huang (Centers for Disease Control)
Wan-Ting Huang (Centers for Disease Control)
Pei-Chun Chan (Centers for Disease Control)
Hao-Yuan Cheng (Centers for Disease Control)

Tai-Chia Lin (National Taiwan University)
Hsien-Ho Lin (National Taiwan University)
Ying-Hen Hsieh (China Medical University)
Feng-Bin Wang (Chang Gung University)


The spread of an infectious disease involves many factors such as the agent (virus, bacteria, etc.), the host, and the environment in which transmissions take place. The purpose of modeling infectious diseases, in relation to public health, is to evaluate the process of disease spread and the most effective interventions required. Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases is growing in importance because of the various issues in disease spread and control arising from new or newly emerging diseases (e.g., SARS, dengue, Ebola, avian influenza, Zika, etc.), and because increasing data sources are now available for studying disease transmission, pathogen evolution and the impact of social behavior of the hosts. Utilizing data sources to understand the subsequent impacts on disease spread requires detailed modeling of interactions amongst pathogens and hosts, training of sophisticated modelers and development of new mathematics.

The course is thus designed to promote interdisciplinary research in mathematical epidemiology and modeling/analysis of infectious diseases. A major component of this course is to create an environment for initiating and facilitating future interdisciplinary collaborations between infectious disease modelers and public health researcher. The central theme and aim of this networking activity is to forge strong links between theory and practice. Prospective students suitable for this course are those who have had at least 2 years of undergraduate studies in natural sciences (math, statistics, physics, etc.) or in public health/biomedical programs, and are interested in interdisciplinary research in mathematical epidemiology and modeling/analysis of infectious diseases. Graduate students, postdocs, and young researchers are most welcomed.

The course will provide exposure to students and young researchers to an interdisciplinary environment that foster cross-disciplinary interaction and networking at early stages of young researchers’ careers, and nurture future modelers of infectious diseases in Taiwan that will both contribute to interdisciplinary academic research in Taiwan, as well as to future public health policy-planning in the age of globalization.


Week 1 (謝英恆, 林先和, Hiroshi Nishiura, Joseph Wu, Klinkenberg, Naveen Vaidya,疾管署防疫醫師)


Week 2 (謝英恆, 林先和, Klinkenberg, Vaidya,疾管署防疫醫師)


Week 1: tutorial sessions for students with interdisciplinary backgrounds; computer tutorials/labs; basic of infectious diseases and modeling; model construction; infectious disease data and modeling; computational techniques for modeling; parameter estimation; current infectious diseases in Taiwan; group project sessions; group project proposals; and a field trip to visit Taiwan CDC headquarter.

Week 2: data-driven modeling studies; special topics in modeling; group project progress report; modeling and public health policy; current infectious diseases and modeling in Taiwan; more data-driven modeling; group project session; group project presentation.



時間:2019年 7月8 -12日 及 7月15-19日 9:00-17:00
地點:Room 102 & Room 202, Astro-Math Bldg., NTU and College of Public Health Bldg., NTU
方式:The course will begin with tutorial sessions of two divided classes on the first day, for students with respective public health/biomedical and mathematics/natural sciences backgrounds, focusing on respective basic mathematics and infectious disease epidemiology knowledge required for modeling of infectious diseases, followed by combined interdisciplinary lectures and infectious disease issue-driven group discussion sessions. Computer labs will also be schedule in the first week for students to learn to use related software packages for computational work. There will be a scheduled visit to Taiwan CDC in the first week as well. Lecturers for the 2-week course include internationally well-known experts on modeling of infectious diseases from interdisciplinary backgrounds, as well as medical officers from Epidemic Intelligence Center, Taiwan Center for Disease Control and Prevention (TCDC).

For Course Credit: Please register before 6/14.


Contact: murphyyu@ncts.ntu.edu.tw

Poster: events_3_17319061144131325.pdf

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