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Taiwan Mathematics School: Topics on Drinfeld Modules and T-Motives Ⅱ
Every Wednesday, 10:10-12:00
Lecture Room B, 4th Floor, The 3rd General Building, NTHU

Chieh-Yu Chang (National Tsing Hua University)
Fu-Tsun Wei (National Central University)
Jing Yu (National Taiwan University)
Jiangxue Fang (Capital Normal University)

Chieh-Yu Chang (National Tsing Hua University)

一、 課程背景與目的:
This course is a continuation of the course of last semester. We will introduce some recent advances in function field arithmetic. In particular, we will focus on the following as primary tools to study various problems related to Drinfeld modules and t-modules:
  • t-motives
  • Shtukas
  • Bruhat-Tits trees and harmonic cochains

Chieh-Yu Chang (NTHU)

Jiangxue Fang (Capital Normal University)

Fu-Tsun Wei (NTHU)

Jing Yu (NTU)

Course Outline:
  • Special values as periods and logarithms of t-modules and applications
  • Cohomology theory of Shtukas and applications to special L-values
  • Eisenstein series, automorphic forms and Kronecker limit formulas
三、 課程詳細時間地點以及方式:
Wednesday, 10:10-12:00 (March 4-July 1), NTHU Math building (Lecture Room B of 4th floor)
四、 學分數:
Credit: 2 

Contact: murphyyu@ncts.ntu.edu.tw

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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences