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NCTS Winter Course: Six Aspects of Combinatorial Mathematics
9:30 - 12:00 & 13:30 - 16:00 on weekdays
R202, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU

Sen-Peng Eu (National Taiwan Normal University)
Michael Fuchs (National Chengchi University)
Wei-Tian Li (National Chung Hsing University)
Yuan-Hsun Lo (National Pingtung University)
Chih-Wen Weng (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University )
Wei-Hsuan Yu (National Central University)

Wei-Hsuan Yu (National Central University)
Michael Fuchs (National Chengchi University)

1、 課程背景與目的:
Combinatorics, one of the newer branches of mathematics, is an area which has rapidly gained in importance over the last few decades due to its close connections to computer science. In particular, the rise of data science and information technology in recent years, has made it now necessary that math students should be familiar with the major branches of combinatorics. In order to meet this demand, this winter school gathers experts in Taiwan who will introduce different aspects of modern combinatorics beyond what is usually covered in the undergraduate and graduate courses offered at math departments. The target audience of this winter school are junior/senior undergraduates and graduate students who want to learn more about combinatorics and/or are considering pursuing research in this area. The winter school will consist of six topical courses which will be taught by experts in the respective fields. The material covered will be on an elementary level and each course will be accompanied by problem sessions and/or homework assignments (only mathematical maturity is required in order to be able to follow the courses). Moreover, we also want to give PhD students, postdocs and faculty members the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the major areas of combinatorics which are currently pursued in Taiwan in order to stimulate future collaborations and interactions.
2、 課程之大綱與講者:
The winter school lasts one week and consists of six units taught by six different speakers:
Chih-Wen Weng (NCTU): Graph Theory;
Michael Fuchs (NCCU): Analytic Combinatorics;
Sen-Peng Eu (NTNU): Enumerative Combinatorics;
Wei-Tian Li (NCHU): Extremal Combinatorics;
Yuan-Hsun Lo (NPTU): Combinatorial Designs;
Wei-Hsuan Yu (NCU): Discrete Geometry.
3、 課程詳細時間地點以及方式:
The tentative schedule is as follows:
Mon:  Weng, Eu
Tu   :   Fuchs, Li
Wed:   Lo, Yu
Thur:  Weng, Eu
Fri   :  Fuchs, Li
4、 報名連結:

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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences