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(Postponed) NCTS Short Course on the Ricci Flow
10:30 - 12:10 on Mondays
Room 515, Cosmology Building, NTU

Chih-Wei Chen (NCTS)

Nan-Kuo Ho (National Tsing Hua University)
Chung-Jun Tsai (National Taiwan University)

This course has been postponed. The new date will be announce later.
This series of lectures focus on the compactness of the Ricci flow. In the first lecture, I will present a chronological review on this topic, from the era of Hamilton-Chow to post-Perelman time. Along this line, I will show you how to derive a compactness theorem when the full curvature is unknown. So some technical issues will be given in the second lecture. In the last lecture, I will talk about some related recent developments and future directions.
Lecture 1. Compactness of the Ricci flow
-Abstract: Perelman's no-local-collapsing theorems and pseudolocality theorem lay down the fundamental mechanism of the Ricci flow. I will explain how to use these theorems to blow up singularities.
Lecture 2. Curvature, volume and the injectivity radius
-Abstract: Hamilton's compactness theorem assumes bounds on the curvature operator and the volume ratio. These assumptions can be replaced by bounds on the Ricci curvature and the injectivity radius on (0,T], and a C^3 bound of metric at t=0. The proof mainly combines Anderson's trick on harmonic coordinates and Perelman's point-picking lemma.
Lecture 3. Further discussions 
-Abstract: I will talk about some recent developments in this direction, including theorems on the extension problem, on the localized W-functional, and on the eigenfunction coordinates.

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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences