Room 515, Cosmology Building, NTU
Min Ru (University of Houston)
Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang (Academia Sinica)
1. Time & Venue
10-12 am on August 7, 8 at Room 515, Cosmology Building, NTU
10-12 am on August 10 at Room 505, Cosmology Building, NTU
2. Course Outline & Descriptions
The filtration method both appeared in the study of Diophantine approximation and the K-stability of Q-Fano varieties. In particular, the so-called beta-constant (the expected vanishing order) appeared in the recent result of Ru-Vojta concerning the height inequality for general divisors on a projective variety, as well as in the so-called Fujita-Li criterion for the K-stability of Q-Fano varieties. This short course intends to present the filtration method, as well as to explore potential connections between these different subjects.
Monday (Day 1): Bigness and ampleness of the line bundles; Kodaira's embedding theorem; The volume of L and its exrepssion through the Okounkov body, the standard (simple) filtration, the beta constant (the expected vanishing order), the Duistermaat-Heckman measure associated to the filtration and its expected value, the Green-transform, the integral expression of the beta-constant, weight function on a vector space and its one-to-one corresponding to the weighted filtration.
Tuesday (Day 2): Introduction to Diophantine approximation, Roth's theorem and Schmidt's subspace theorem, the Hilbert and Chow weights, the theorem of Evertse and Ferretti and its proof, the proof of Ru-Vojta theorem using Autissier's filtration.
Thursday (Day 3): Fujita-Li's criterion for the K-stability of Q-Fano varieties.
3. Registration
4. Online Meeting Link
08/07 10:00-12:00
08/08 10:00-12:00
08/10 10:00-12:00
5. Course Video
The Filtration Method in Diophantine Approximation and K- Stability
6. Course Note
Download here
Poster: events_3_2752305115125187233.pdf