R609, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
Chia-Fu Yu (Academia Sinica)
Chia-Fu Yu (Academia Sinica)
This is the first semester of a one-year NCTS course in 2015-16 for graduate students interested in algebra. We plan to cover and have detailed discussion on representation theory of finite groups of Lie Type. In the first few lectures representation theory of finite groups, though assumed, will be quickly reviewed. Then we simply follow the book of Curtis and Reiner [1], Chapter 8. Post-doctorates and students are welcome to attend.
One-year Graduate Algebra Course, Representation Theory of Finite Groups. Interested students or post-doctorates should contact the instructor in advance (chiafu@math.sinica.edu.tw)
[1] Curtis and Reiner, Methods of Representation Theory, Vol II. Chapter 8, 1981.
[2] Fulton and Harris, Representation Theory, Chapter 1, GTM 129.
[3] Deligne-Lusztig, Represenation theory of reductive groups over finite fields. Ann. Math 103 (1976).