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Lecture Series: Congruences of Modular Forms and Galois Representations
14:00-16:30, September 5, September 7, 2023
Room 509, Cosmology Building, NTU

Jacques Tilouine (Université Paris 13)

Ming-Lun Hsieh (National Taiwan University)

1. Outline & Descriptions

Using Galois representations associated to modular forms and modulo p modular forms theory, Serre and Swinnerton-Dyer proved (around 1970)

that the six primes of congruences found by Ramanujan for his Delta function are the only possible congruence primes. I want to explain their proof.

This is an instance of the interrelation between Galois representations and congruences which developed greatly after their work (Ribet, Wiles, Hida, Mazur-Wiles, etc…).

*This course/ lecture series will be on-site without recording or broadcasting.


Contact: Murphy Yu murphyyu@ncts.tw

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