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Lecture Series: Degenerations of Holomorphic Curves, Tropical Geometry, Gluing Theorems, and Exploded Manifolds 1~6
Mondays, 10:00-12:00, Thursdays, 16:00-18:00, and Fridays, 10:00-12:00
Room 509, Cosmology Building, NTU

Brett Parker (Australian National University)

River Chiang (National Cheng Kung University)
Kaoru Ono (RIMS, Kyoto University)

1. Outline & Descriptions

Holomorphic curves play a central role in symplectic topology. They can be regarded as 2-dimensional analogues of a geodesics within a symplectic manifold, or as trajectories traced out by interacting strings in string theory, and provide a rich geometric framework for understanding symplectic topology. In many situations, holomorphic curves can be studied using 1-dimensional piecewise-linear objects called tropical curves. In the first lecture, I will explain the geometry behind the appearance of tropical curves, and explain why it is useful to employ a category blending tropical geometry with usual differential or algebraic geometry. In the remaining lectures, I will introduce the category of exploded manifolds, and explain how using such a category provides a guiding framework for proving gluing formulae and understanding holomorphic curves under a wide class of degenerations including normal crossing degenerations. Importantly, the transversality and intersection theory required for gluing theorems takes place within the category of exploded manifolds, so I will spend some time on transversality, intersection theory, and the implicit function theorem within the category of exploded manifolds.


2. Registration




There're six talks in total,  please check the information below for the titles and the details of each talk.

Contact: Murphy Yu (murphyyu@ncts.tw)

Degenerations of Holomorphic Curves, Tropical Geometry, Gluing Theorems, and Exploded Manifolds 1

Degenerations of Holomorphic Curves, Tropical Geometry, Gluing Theorems, and Exploded Manifolds 2

Degenerations of Holomorphic Curves, Tropical Geometry, Gluing Theorems, and Exploded Manifolds 3

Degenerations of Holomorphic Curves, Tropical Geometry, Gluing Theorems, and Exploded Manifolds 4

Degenerations of Holomorphic Curves, Tropical Geometry, Gluing Theorems, and Exploded Manifolds 5

Degenerations of Holomorphic Curves, Tropical Geometry, Gluing Theorems, and Exploded Manifolds 6

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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences