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Seminars and Talks Conferences, Workshops and Special Events Courses and Lecture Series Taiwan Math. School

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2017 Winter School in Algebraic Geometry
R440, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU

Jungkai Chen (National Taiwan University)

Feb 7. (Tue) 
09:30-10:45 Talk 1. surface MMP and introduction to higher dimensional case
11:00-12:15 Talk 2. singularities (and some computations on discrepancy) + rough introduction on Cone theorem
13:30-15:30 Discussion
Feb 8. (Wed) 
09:30-10:45 Talk 3. detailed proofs (maybe two of) non-vanishing, rational theorem, contraction theorem
11:00-12:15 Talk 4.  detailed proofs (maybe two of) non-vanishing, rational theorem, contraction theorem
13:30-15:30 Discussion
Feb 9. (Thu) 
09:30-10:45 Talk 5. some useful tools and tricks for threefold MMP
11:00-12:15 Talk 6. multiplier ideal sheaves and vanishing theorems
13:30-15:30 Discussion
Feb 10. (Fri) 
09:30-10:45 Talk 7. MMP with scaling and some termination results 
11:00-12:15 Talk 8. introduction to BCHM
13:30-15:30 Discussion

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