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NCTS International Geometric Measure Theory Seminar
20:30 - 22:30, November 20, 2024 (Wednesday)
HyHyve, Online seminar
(線上演講 HyHyve)
Generic Regularity of Minimal Submanifolds
Zhihan Wang (Cornell University)


The well-known Simons cone suggests that singularities may exist in a stable minimal hypersurface in Riemannian manifolds of dimension greater than 7, locally modeled on minimal hypercones. It was conjectured that generically they can be perturbed away. In this talk, we shall present a way to resolve these singularities by perturbing metric in an 8-manifold and hence obtain smoothness under a generic metric. We shall also talk about certain generalizations of this generic smoothness of minimal submanifold in other dimensions and codimensions as well as their applications.


8:30 p.m. Get-together (30 min)
9:00 p.m.Presentation Zhihan Wang (60 min)
10:00 p.m. Questions and discussions (30 min)


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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences