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NCTS International Geometric Measure Theory Seminar
Time: November 18, 2020 - July 31, 2024
Room: HyHyve, Online seminar


Giovanni Alberti ( University of Pisa)
Ulrich Menne ( National Taiwan Normal University)
Yoshihiro Tonegawa ( Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Neshan Wickramasekera ( University of Cambridge)

Description: Focuses on the regularity and singularity theories for submanifolds of Riemannian manifolds and some of their applications

Website: https://sites.google.com/ncts.ntu.edu.tw/international-gmt-seminar

Registration: through seminar website, required. 

Talk List
16:00-18:00, July 17, 2024
Almgren minimals sets, minimal cones, unions and products
Xiangyu Liang (Beihang University)
20:00-22:00, May 15, 2024
Energy identity for stationary harmonic maps
Daniele Valtorta (University of Milano Bicocca)
06:30-08:30, March 28, 2024
On the Multiplicity One Conjecture for Mean Curvature Flows of Surfaces
Richard Bamler (University of California, Berkeley)
20:30-22:30, January 10, 2024
Uniformly Rectifiable Metric Spaces
Raanan Schul (Stony Brook University)
20:00-22:00, November 15, 2023
Mean Curvature Flow with Surgery
Robert Haslhofer (University of Toronto)
16:00-18:00, September 20, 2023
Rectifiability, Finite Hausdorff Measure, and Compactness for Non-minimizing Bernoulli Free Boundaries
Georg Weiss (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
16:00-18:00, July 12, 2023
Analysis of Singularities of Area Minimizing Currents
Brian Krummel (University of Melbourne)
20:00-22:00, May 17, 2023
Generic Regularity of Minimizing Hypersurfaces in Dimensions 9 and 10
Christos Mantoulidis (Rice University)
16:00-18:00, March 15, 2023
Bi-Lipschitz Regularity of 2-varifolds with the Critical Allard Condition
Jie Zhou (Capital Normal University)
21:00-23:00, January 18, 2023
Singularities, Rectifiability, and PDE-constraints
Filip Rindler (University of Warwick)
21:00-23:00, November 23, 2022
The Spherical Plateau Problem: Existence, Uniqueness, Stability
Antoine Song (California Institute of Technology)
20:00-22:00, September 21, 2022
Minimal Hypersurfaces with Cylindrical Tangent Cones
Gábor Székelyhidi (Northwestern University)
20:00-22:00, July 20, 2022
Hypersurfaces with Prescribed-mean-curvature: Existence and Properties
Costante Bellettini (University College London)
20:00-22:00, May 18, 2022
(Non-)Quantization Phenomena for Higher-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau Vortices
Alessandro Pigati (New York University)
20:00-22:00, March 16, 2022
A Regularity Theorem for Area-minimizing Currents at Higher Multiplicity Boundary Points
Simone Steinbrüchel (University of Leipzig)
20:30-22:30, January 19, 2022
A Structure Theory for Branched Stable Hypersurfaces
Paul Minter (Princeton University)
06:00-08:00, November 18, 2021
Stable minimal hypersurfaces in $\mathbb R^4$
Otis Chodosh (Stanford University)
20:15-21:15, September 22, 2021
Free boundary regularity in the Stefan problem
Alessio Figalli (ETH Zürich)
20:15-21:15, July 21, 2021
A non-linear Besicovitch–Federer projection theorem for metric spaces
David Bate (University of Warwick)
21:30-22:30, May 19, 2021
Geometric Measure Theory: a powerful tool in Potential Theory
Tatiana Toro (University of Washington)
20:15-21:15, March 17, 2021
Mean Curvature Flow with Generic Initial Data
Felix Schulze (University of Warwick)
22:30-23:30, January 20, 2021
Second Order Estimates for Interfaces of Allen-Cahn
Juncheng Wei (University of British Columbia)
06:00-07:00, November 18, 2020
Stable Minimal Hypersurfaces in $\R^{N+1+\ell}$ with Singular Set an Arbitrary Closed $K\subset\{0\}\times\R^{\ell}$.
Leon Simon (Stanford University)
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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences