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Previous Courses
Every Friday 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00 (except 10/6), September 22 - December 15, 2017
2017 NCTS Short Course and Seminar on Dynamical Systems
Jung-Chao Ban
Every Thursday 16:00 - 18:00, September 21, 2017 - January 18, 2018
NCTS-NCU Seminar on Gaussian Free Field
Chin-Cheng Lin , Xiang Fang
From 9/20(Every Wednesday) 13:00-16:00, September 20 - December 30, 2017
Taiwan Mathematics School: HPC for Tomorrow-Introduction to Multi-core CPU and GPU Computation
Tsung-Ming Huang , Yu-Chen Shu , Weichung Wang
Every Tuesday 16:00 - 18:00, September 19, 2017 - January 16, 2018
NCTS-NCU Seminar on SLE
Chin-Cheng Lin , Xiang Fang
Every Thursday 9:10-12:10, September 14, 2017 - January 5, 2018
Taiwan Mathematics School: HPC for Tomorrow-Numerical Linear Algebra
Tsung-Ming Huang , Yu-Chen Shu , Weichung Wang
13:00-15:00 on 9/4, 9:30-11:30 and 13:00-15:00 on 9/5, 9/6, 9/7, September 4 - 7, 2017
Introduction to Mathematics in Modern Technology
I-Liang Chern , Chun-Hsiung Hsia , Jenn-Nan Wang , Weichung Wang
8/7, 8/8, 8/9, 8/14, 8/15, 8/16 ,Lecture: 10:00-12:00 Problem Discussion: 14:00-16:00 , August 7 - 16, 2017
2017 NCTS Summer Courses on Introduction to Brownian Motion and Partial Differential Equations
Lung-Chi Chen
August 3 - 16, 2017
2017 NCTS Summer Course in Mathematical Biology
Sze-Bi Hsu , Je-Chiang Tsai , Feng-Bin Wang
(16hours): 7/21(Fri.),7/28(Fri.),8/4(Fri.),8/11(Fri.), July 21 - August 11, 2017
2017 NCTS Summer School on Dynamical Systems: Symbolic Dynamics
Jung-Chao Ban
7/14,7/21,7/28,8/4,8/11,8/18 9:30 am~12:30 pm (six Fridays, 18 hours in total), July 14 - August 18, 2017
2017 NCTS Summer Course on Brownian Motion
Xiang Fang , Chin-Cheng Lin
7/10 (Mon.)-7/13 (Thu.) 14:30-16:30, July 10 - 13, 2017
Mini-course on Representation Theory
Yung-Ning Peng , Chih-Whi Chen
14:00-16:00 on 7/10 (Mon.), 7/12 (Wed.), 7/14 (Fri.), 7/17 (Mon.), 7/19 (Wed.), 7/21 (Fri.), July 10 - 21, 2017
2017 NCTS Summer Course on Introduction to Knot Theory
Jih-Hsin Cheng , C. Michael Tsau , Mao-Pei Tsui
July 10 - 21, 2017
2017 Summer Course on Modeling and Analysis of Infectious Diseases
Tai-Chia Lin , Ying-Hen Hsieh , Hsien-Ho Lin
10 am-12 pm, 07/06, 07/10, 07/12, 2017, July 6 - 12, 2017
Mini-Course in Perfectoid Spaces
Jungkai Chen
10:00-12:00 and 14:00-15:00 on June 26 (Mon.) and June 27 (Tue.) , June 26 - 27, 2017
NCTS Short Course on Applied Mathematics
I-Liang Chern
June 26 - July 7, 2017
Scientific Computing on Supercomputer
Weichung Wang , Wen-Wei Lin , Yu-Chen Shu , Feng-Nan Hwang , Tsung-Ming Huang
Lecturer: R201, Discussions: R430, June 26 - July 5, 2017
2017 NCTS Summer Course on Free Probability
Chun-Yen Shen , Jiun-Chau Wang
Lectures :10 am to 12pm on 6/26 (Mon), 6/28 (Wed), 6/30 (Fri), 7/3 (Mon), 7/5 (Wed) Discussions: 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm on 7/3(Mon) and 7/5 (Wed), June 26 - July 5, 2017
2017 NCTS Summer Course on Additive Combinatorics
Chun-Yen Shen
10:00-12:00, June 8, 2017
Short Course on Parareal Method for Time-Dependent Problems
I-Liang Chern
May 31 - June 9, 2017
2017 NCTS Mini-Course and Workshop on Ricci Flow and Related Aspects
Mao-Pei Tsui , Huai-Dong Cao , Shu-Cheng Chang , Jiaping Wang
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