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Seminar of Algebraic Geometry in East Asia
Time: August 1, 2020 - January 31, 2023
Room: Room 515, Cosmology Building, National Taiwan University + Zoom, Physical+Online Seminar


Yujiro Kawamata ( University of Tokyo)
Xiaotao Sun ( Tianjin University)
JongHae Keum ( Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Jungkai Chen ( National Taiwan University)
Conan Nai Chung Leung ( The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Phung Ho Hai ( Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
Yusuke Nakamura ( University of Tokyo)
Baohua Fu ( Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Kiryong Chung ( Kyungpook National University)
Hsueh-Yung Lin ( National Taiwan University)
Meng Chen ( Fudan University)
Le Quy Thuong ( Vietnam National University)
Wei-Ping Li ( The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Yoshinori Gongyo ( University of Tokyo)
Joonyeong Won ( Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
De Qi Zhang ( National University of Singapore)
This is a joint effort of many algebraic geometers in East Asia. We aim to create a platform for algebraic geometers and students for further interaction and cooperation. 
The seminar will take place on Friday at GMT 1:00 or GMT 7:00 using Zoom, unless otherwise specified, in order to accommodate most participants in East Asia. 
Talk List
16:15-17:15, December 23, 2022
Counting Surfaces on Calabi-Yau 4-folds
Hyeonjun Park (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
15:00-16:00, December 23, 2022
Cohomological Donaldson-Thomas Theory for 2-Calabi--Yau Categories
Tasuki Kinjo (Kavli Institute for The Physics and Mathematics of The Universe)
16:15-17:15, December 9, 2022
Smooth Subvarieties of Jacobians
Olivier Benoist (École Normale Supérieure)
15:00-16:00, December 9, 2022
Some Numbers on Certain Pencils of Rational Curves in Del Pezzo Surfaces
Jaehyun Kim (Ewha Womans University)
16:15-17:15, November 25, 2022
Moduli Space of Complexes on Gorenstein Calabi-Yau Curves
Zheng Hua (University of Hong Kong)
15:00-16:00, November 25, 2022
Smoothing, Scattering Diagram and a Conjecture of Fukaya
Ziming Ma (Southern University of Science and Technology)
16:15-17:15, November 11, 2022
Algebraic Vector Bundles on Rational Homogeneous Spaces
Rong Du (East China Normal University)
15:00-16:00, November 11, 2022
Rank Zero Segre Integrals on Hilbert Schemes of Points on Surfaces
Yuan Yao (Capital Normal University)
10:00-11:00, October 28, 2022
On Quasi-F-splitting
Hiromu Tanaka (University of Tokyo)
08:45-09:45, October 28, 2022
Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Local Galois Representations
Bao Viet Le Hung (Northwestern University)
16:15-17:30, October 14, 2022
Deforming Cyclic Covers in Towers
Huy Quoc Dang (NCTS)
15:00-16:00, October 14, 2022
Foliated MLD and LCT
Yen-An Chen (NCTS)
10:15-11:30, September 30, 2022
Around the Motivic Monodromy Conjecture for Non-degenerate Hypersurfaces
Ming Hao Quek (Brown University)
09:00-10:15, September 30, 2022
Wall Crossing for K-moduli Spaces
Yuchen Liu (Northwestern University)
16:15-17:15, July 1, 2022
Contact Loci and Motivic nearby Cycles of Nondegenerate Singularities
Nguyên Tât Thang (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
15:00-16:00, July 1, 2022
On the Moduli Spaces of Parabolic Higgs Bundles on a Curve
Dô Viêt Cuong (Vietnam National University)
16:15-17:30, June 17, 2022
Sharp Bound on the Abelian Automorphism Groups of Surfaces of General Type
Xin Lu (East China Normal University)
15:00-16:15, June 17, 2022
Deformation Rigidity of Wonderful Group Compactifications
Qifeng Li (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS)
16:15-17:15, June 3, 2022
Deformations of Klt and Slc Singularities
Shunsuke Takagi (University of Tokyo)
15:00-16:00, June 3, 2022
On the Rank of Quadratic Equations of Projective Varieties
Euisung Park (Korea University)
16:15-17:15, May 20, 2022
Recent Developments on Rigid Local Systems
Hélène Esnault (Freie Universität Berlin)
15:00-16:00, May 20, 2022
Noether-Severi Inequality and Equality for Irregular Threefolds of General Type
Tong Zhang (East China Normal University)
16:15-17:15, May 6, 2022
Spectra of Derived Categories of Noetherian Schemes
Hiroki Matsui (Tokushima University)
15:00-16:00, May 6, 2022
Microlocalization and Donaldson-Thomas Theory
Adeel Khan (Academia Sinica)
16:15-17:15, April 22, 2022
Perverse-Hodge Symmetry for Lagrangian Fibrations
Qizheng Yin (Peking University)
15:00-16:00, April 22, 2022
Partial Compactification of Metabelian Lie Groups with Prescribed Varieties of Minimal Rational Tangents
Jun-Muk Hwang (Institute for Basic Science)
09:00-10:00, April 8, 2022
Boundedness of Polarized Calabi-Yau Fibrations and Generalized Pairs
Christopher Hacon (The University of Utah)
10:15-11:15, April 8, 2022
On the Functional Equation of Automorphic L-functions
Bảo Châu Ngô (Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics)
16:15-17:15, March 25, 2022
Algebraic Threefolds of General type with Small Volume
Yong Hu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
15:00-16:00, March 25, 2022
Wall-crossing for K-theoretic Quasimap Invariants
Yang Zhou (Fudan University)
16:15-17:15, February 25, 2022
On Motivic Cohomology of Singular Algebraic Schemes
Jinhyun Park (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
15:00-16:00, February 25, 2022
Revisiting Mixed Geometry
Quoc Ho (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
16:15-17:15, February 11, 2022
Invariance of Plurigenera in Positive and Mixed Characteristic
Iacopo Brivio (Harvard University)
15:00-16:00, February 11, 2022
Classification of Three-dimensional Terminal Divisorial Contractions to Curves
Hsin-Ku Chen (National Taiwan University)
16:15-17:15, January 14, 2022
Smooth Approximation in Polynomially Bounded o-minimal Structure
Xuan Viet Nhan Nguyen (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)
15:00-16:00, January 14, 2022
Exponential Sums Modulo p^m for Deligne Polynomials
Kien Huu Nguyen (K. U. Leuven)
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