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[ Wed. ]
2024 大學部學生暑期研究計畫錄取名單
2024 大學部學生暑期研究計畫錄取名單 主旨 為使大學部學生利用學期...
2021 -09 - 14
[ Tue. ]
NCTS Nomination for MSRI Summer Graduate School 2022 NCTS Nomination for MSRI Summer Graduate School 2022   The National Center of Th...
2021 -08 - 12
[ Thu. ]
2021 NCTS大學生人才培育計畫(URP) 一、宗旨: 為鼓勵及支持大學部學生在教授的個別指導下進行有系統的...
2021 -06 - 16
[ Wed. ]
2021 NCTS Undergraduate Summer Research Program 大學部學生暑期研究計畫 主旨: 為使大學部學生利用學期修課所獲得的數學知識能有所延伸並...
2021 -05 - 17
[ Mon. ]
Office space for the NCTS staff members reassigned from 2021/5/17 The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) has raised the epidemic warning to level 3 for Taipei ...
2021 -05 - 12
[ Wed. ]
Announcement of NCTS Center Scientists In accordance with the resolution of the Executive Committee Meeting of the Center, the Mathemati...
2021 -05 - 12
[ Wed. ]
NCTS Tea Time Cancellation Announcement The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) has raised the COVID19 epidemic warning to Level 2 eff...
2021 -05 - 03
[ Mon. ]
國家理論科學研究中心徵求專任研究助理 國家理論科學中心數學領域為積極培養有志於數學研究之學士或碩士畢業生...
2021 -03 - 16
[ Tue. ]
2020 NCTS Young Theoretical Scientists Award The winner of the 2020 NCTS Young Theoretical Scientist Award is Chih-Whi Chen of National Ce...

(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences