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NCTS Number Theory Seminar
Time: September 1, 2021 - January 31, 2025
Room: , TBA


Chieh-Yu Chang ( National Tsing Hua University)
Ming-Lun Hsieh ( National Taiwan University)
Fu-Tsun Wei ( National Central University)
Yi-Fan Yang ( National Taiwan University)
Talk List
14:00-15:00, September 12, 2024
On Ichino-Ikeda Type Formula of Whittaker Periods for Unitary Groups
Kazuki Morimoto (Kobe University)
10:00-11:00, August 29, 2024
On Generators of V-adic Multiple Zeta Values in Positive Characteristic
Yoshinori Mishiba (Tohoku University)
10:30-11:30, August 15, 2024
Betti Counterpart of the Double Shuffle Group
Hidekazu Furusho (Nagoya University)
11:00-12:00, August 9, 2024
Central L-values of Elliptic Curves, Tunnell's Theorem, and Locally Harmonic Maass Forms
Ben Kane (University of Hong Kong)
11:00-12:00, August 5, 2024
Meromorphic Modular Forms and Polar Harmonic Maass Forms
Ben Kane (University of Hong Kong)
14:00-15:00, July 31, 2024
Weyl Algebras on Certain singular Affine Varieties
Chun-Hsien Hsu (The University of Chicago)
11:00-12:00, July 29, 2024
Mixed-mock Modular Forms, Holomorphic Project, and Moments of Class Numbers, with an Application to Distributions of Traces of Frobenius in Arithmetic Progressions for Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields.
Ben Kane (University of Hong Kong)
11:00-12:00, July 9, 2024
Triple Product p-adic L-functions for Finite Slope Families and a p-adic Gross-Zagier Formula
Ting-Han Huang (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)
10:50-11:40, July 4, 2024
On the Generalizations of Hilbert-Kamke's Problem
Wentang Kuo (University of Waterloo)
09:30-10:20, July 4, 2024
Equidistribution of Polynomial Sequences in Function Fields
Yu-Ru Liu (University of Waterloo)
10:00-11:00, July 3, 2024
On Conway-Schneeberger Type Theorems in Characteristic 2
Yong Hu (Southern University of Science and Technology)
14:00-15:00, June 24, 2024
On P-adic L-Functions for U(2,1) x U(1,1)
Ming-Lun Hsieh (National Taiwan University)
11:00-12:00, June 20, 2024
Regulators of Tensor/Symmetric/Alternating Squares of Drinfeld Modules of Rank 2
Wei-Cheng Huang (University of Rochester)
09:30-10:30, June 20, 2024
Mellin Transform Formulas for Drinfeld Modules
Oguz Gezmis (Heidelberg University)
14:00-15:00, June 14, 2024
Cancelled---Integral Periods Relations for Base Changes (II)
Jacques Tilouine (Université Paris 13)
14:00-15:00, June 12, 2024
Base Changes to GL(3) Over a Real Quadratic Field : Periods, Special L-values and Congruences
Tristan Ricoul (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)
14:00-15:00, June 11, 2024
Cancelled---Integral Periods Relations for Base Changes (I)
Jacques Tilouine (Université Paris 13)
13:30-14:30, May 30, 2024
【Cancelled】 On Extensions of Drinfeld Modules by the Tensor Powers of the Carlitz Modul Carlitz Module
Yen-Tsung Chen (Pennsylvania State University)
13:30-14:30, May 9, 2024
D-elliptic Sheaves and the Hasse Principle
Shin Hattori (Tokyo City University)
13:30-14:30, April 25, 2024
Automorphic Analogue of Blasius Conjecture for Rankin-Selberg L-functions
Shih-Yu Chen (National Tsing Hua University)
15:00-16:00, March 25, 2024
Families of D-modules and arithmetic models of Harish-Chandra modules
Fabian Januszewski (Paderborn University)
13:30-14:30, March 25, 2024
The $p$-adic constant for mock modular forms and the degree of the modular parametrization of CM elliptic curves
Ryota Taijima (Kyushu University)
14:00-15:00, March 14, 2024
The Rational Torsion Subgroups of the Drinfeld Modular Jacobians for Prime-Power Levels
Sheng-Yang Ho (Pennsylvania State University)
10:30-11:30, March 14, 2024
On Finite Analogues of Euler's Constant
Masanobu Kaneko (Kyushu University)
13:30-14:30, February 22, 2024
Explicit Bounds on the Coefficients of Modular Polynomials
Florian Breuer (University of Newcastle)
15:00-16:00, January 11, 2024
Isomorphism Classes of Polarised Abelian Varieties and Drinfeld Modules over Finite Fields
Valentijn Karemaker (Utrecht University)
11:00-12:00, January 4, 2024
On Multiple Zeta Values with Different Constant Fields
Daichi Matsuzuki (Nagoya University)
09:30-10:30, January 4, 2024
Generalized Anderson Modules over Finite Fields
Matthew Papanikolas (Texas A&M University)
15:30-16:30, January 3, 2024
A Non-invariant Approach to the Jacquet-Langlands Correspondence
Yan-Der Lu (Sorbonne Université - Université de Paris)
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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences